Lone Wolf Technologies provides several coagulants and flocculants for liquid-solid separation in water and wastewater treatment processes.
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Lone Wolf Technologies coagulants are aqueous solutions formulated to assist in the separation of finely dispersed solid particles in water and wastewater effluent. Our extensive product line of organic and inorganic coagulants as well as our proprietary products are all designed to destabilize colloids by neutralizing the forces and charges that keep them apart. Once neutralized the particles will no longer repel each other and are brought together as larger particles. Once the particle’s size is increased so is the mass thereby increasing the particle’s settling speed in a gravity clarifier.
Lone Wolf Technologies has coagulants for use in wastes containing low solid concentrations or where high levels of oils and surfactants may be present. Our product, LWT-9450 is extremely effective in treating photoresist and strip/develop wastes as well as developing suspended particles from colloidal complexes, dispersed particles, and removing color.
What Are Coagulants and Flocculants Used for in Water Treatment?
By neutralizing the negative charges present in particles, water treatment coagulants destabilize the forces that otherwise keep colloids from combining. As water treatment coagulants are made up of positively charged molecules, once they are added to water, they help neutralize the colloid’s negative charge. Flocculants, on the other hand, help gather particles that have become destabilized, which brings about an agglomeration of the particles. Once they’ve become agglomerated, it is very difficult for these particles to disperse through water once more. Both coagulants and flocculants aid in liquid-solid separation, which is an integral part of water and wastewater treatment.
If you need coagulants and flocculants for liquid-solid separation, contact Lone Wolf Technologies today.